
  • I remember hearing somewhere that “no one wants to be Black.”

    Thinking about that sentiment brings back a memory of my childhood, being pressured to put my arm next to the arm of my dar […]

  • admin wrote a new post 3 years, 5 months ago

    The Transformational Power of Food Security and Sovereignty for BIPOC Communities workshop was hosted online by YouthREX on the 17th of December 2020.

    In food justice work, everyone has a different […]

  • From time to time, researchers, policy makers, philanthropy and practitioners all join together in a coordinated response to address the most pressing issues facing America’s youth. I’ve been involved with thi […]

  • admin wrote a new post 3 years, 7 months ago

    It’s been six years already since YouthREX launched on November 22, 2014 as part of Ontario’s Youth Action Plan with a mandate to connect Ontario’s youth sector to shared knowledge to support better youth outco […]

  • admin wrote a new post 3 years, 9 months ago

    The results of our newsletter survey are in… (drumroll please)

    And wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We’re grateful for your responses and the opportunity to continuously learn and grow as an o […]

  • admin wrote a new post 3 years, 9 months ago

    Starting university can be confusing and scary at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. Many students, including myself, have found themselves feeling nervous and confused. Here are 3 lessons I’ve l […]

  • admin wrote a new post 3 years, 9 months ago

    In this video, YouthREX speaks to Jae Woong Han about his experiences as a South Korean undergraduate student at York University. He talks about his challenges, what he misses, and what makes him hopeful […]

  • Kathe Rogers wrote a new post 4 years ago

    Since Prime Minister Trudeau announced the Canada Student Service Grant on June 25, to say controversy has swirled around the initiative is an understatement. The federal ethics commissioner, at the request of […]

  • Kathe Rogers wrote a new post 4 years ago

    On June 1, 2020, Cannabis and Psychosis: Exploring the Link launched its inaugural “Ask the Expert” series in partnership with YouthREX. Clementine Utchay and Amina Hagar, both Research Assistants at You […]

  • Kathe Rogers wrote a new post 4 years ago

    On June 1, 2020, Cannabis and Psychosis: Exploring the Link launched its inaugural “Ask the Expert” series in partnership with YouthREX. Clementine Utchay and Amina Hagar, both Research Assistants at You […]

  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Charles Dickens couldn’t have expressed it any better.

    2020 was a year that social media heralded with high expectations; “2020 vision” promised clarity […]

  • If you’re a youth worker, parent or caregiver, then you’ve probably struggled at some point to figure out the best approach for regulating social media use in a young person’s life. Kids and teens love socia […]

  • Will this be the ONE that makes undeniably visible the metaphoric knee of anti-Black racism that sits on the necks of Black people every day?

    Will this be the ONE that finally energizes us all to dismantle […]

  • How many times have you worked tirelessly on a report that communicates your program successes and points to areas that need to be addressed to make your program even better?

    A report you are so proud of […]

  • When my husband and I got married, I moved out of my parent’s home and into his bachelor pad. It’s a simple one bedroom apartment, big enough to accommodate the both of us. Prior to getting married, one of the […]

  • Currently the sector is grappling with the impact of COVID-19 on service delivery. It is understandable that evaluation – designing and measuring for outcomes – may have moved way down in the list of pri […]

  • It’s taken for granted in many if not most school environments today that digital technology should be integrated throughout the curriculum to enhance not only communication and creativity but also equal a […]

  • Discussions about mindfulness are ever-increasing within educational settings, community-based organizations offering services to youth, and popular media. Mindfulness-Based Programs for Youth: A Toolkit […]

  • The recent announcement of an extension of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to part-time workers is good news for young people in Canada. This may prove to be even more important to young […]

  • Like most of Ontario’s youth sector, YouthREX is feeling the weight of this challenging and unprecedented time we are in. Shout out to young people, youth workers, and staff and volunteers of youth programs a […]

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