Critical Youth Work: Bridging Theory and Practice
Free professional development opportunity for youth workers to critically analyze key issues and explore options for creative and viable forms of transformative practices that support and strengthen youth wellbeing.

This certificate creates space for youth workers to engage in critical dialogue and learning about the political, social and economic realities that characterize youth work.
Get the tools to critically analyze key youth work issues, and learn about creative and transformative practices that support and strengthen youth wellbeing.
Successful participation and completion of the three modules of the certificate entitles participants to a Certificate of Completion from Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange, York University.
This certificate is completely free. The cost of all the course materials, as well as lunch on each of the three days of the course, will be covered.
The certificate includes three days of in-person sessions (9:30AM–4:30PM) and 10 hours of online learning.
Register for our newsletter to receive updates on the next offering of this certificate.
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“The potential for critical practice is inherent in many aspects of youth work, but workers need to be clearer about concepts such as power, purpose and learning and forms of social action, which connect the personal to the political. Because there can be no critical practice without critical practitioners, youth workers need a strong theoretical framework to underpin their work”.¹
— Bamber, J., & Murphy H.
¹Bamber, J., & Murphy, H. (1999). Youth work: The possibilities for critical practice. Journal of Youth Studies, 2(2), 227-242. doi:10.1080/13676261.1999.10593037
Who is this certificate for?
- Eligible participants will have a minimum of two years youth sector experience
- Currently engaged in Ontario’s youth sector either in a paid or volunteer capacity
- Able to commit 7 hours each week for the in-class modules, and 10 hours for online learning over the three weeks
- Willing to use and advance critical skills and approaches to community engagement, youth leadership and capacity building in communities in Ontario
- Committed to working and learning about youth work within a context of equity, respect, anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices
What topics will the certificate cover?
The Policy and Personal Context of Youth Work in Ontario
The first module will examine and critique the major policies that have impacted Ontario youth work in the last decade. Participants will also be asked to situate themselves and their work within this broader political context.
Theorizing Critical Youth Work – Dilemmas, Challenges and Possibilities
The second module will critically review the major theoretical and conceptual frameworks that underpin youth work discourses such as ‘youth at risk’; resilience; youth violence; criminalization; positive youth development; youth engagement; and marginalization.
Theory into Action – Best/Good/Promising Youth Work Practices
The third module on the third and last day will critically integrate the policy, personal and theoretical analyses from Modules One and Two into a practice context.

Successful participation and completion of the three modules of the certificate entitles participants to a Certificate of Completion from Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange, York University.