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Explore and discover accessible data about Ontario youth!

Welcome to the
Data Hub by YouthREX!

The Data Hub provides the community sector with accessible data about Ontario youth that highlight and focus attention on trends and issues about young people. Data can be powerful tools to inform practices, programs, services, and policies that are more responsive to the unique and distinct experiences of Ontario’s youth.

For more insights about the Data Hub, including the limitations of data, check out our FAQs!

The Data Hub includes


Data-driven stories highlight the changing face of Ontario's young people — including narratives on how youth are doing on different dimensions, disaggregated through socio-demographic variables such as age group, gender, race, immigration, geographic region, income levels, etc.


The Data Dashboard is an interactive tool that lets you explore, create, and download tables and visualizations on how Ontario youth are doing along different dimensions at the provincial and local levels (census levels). 


Check out various resources, including Data Snapshots, Infographics, Data Briefs, etc., that make data come alive with vizualizations and narratives that highlight and focus attention on specific issues about Ontario youth.

Data Highlights

Youth Unemployment Rates in Ontario

Unemployment rates increased for youth of all ages from 2016 to 2021.

Youth Unemployment Rates in Ontario by Immigration Status

In 2021, immigrant youth faced a higher unemployment rate than Canadian-born youth, particularly for those aged 15-19.

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