Three Steps Toward Sustainability: Spreadsheets as a Data-Analysis System for Non-Profit Organizations
3 years ago 3 years agoMany non-profits face barriers developing systems to collect and analyze data that can leverage the type of information that their funders and stakeholders require. Constraints such as limited evaluation expertise, time, and money make this virtually impossible to achieve without a viable solution. In an increasingly competitive environment, it is imperative that non-profits find innovative ways to track and measure their work within their evaluative capabilities. There are different ways in which evaluators can help even the most constrained non-profit organizations capture their reach and make the most of their existing data. This article proposes a three-step framework for the development of a data-collection and -analysis system through the use of spreadsheets. Not only is this proposed system feasible within the constraints of the non-profit sector, but it is also valuable for the sustainability of their services over time.
Shapiro, S. J., & Oystrick, V. (2018). Three steps toward sustainability: Spreadsheets as a data-analysis system for non-profit organizations. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 33(2), 247-257.
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