Youth-Friendly Measures 

Access qualitative and quantitative tools to assess your program's effectiveness and better understand your stakeholders and program activities.

Is your program being implemented as intended?

What kinds of stories and data can tell the story of your program’s impact?

When conducting a program evaluation, we often collect
data directly from youth participants and other stakeholders in the form of questionnaires.

These questionnaires are carefully developed to ensure they accurately reflect how people feel about specific outcomes of interest – without taking up too much of their time and energy. This inventory also houses qualitative tools that can be used to gather in-depth and rich information from participants. These sample tools can serve to inspire your own discussions and thinking about how your youth work might measure its success.

Quantitative Tools

Outcome Evaluation Measures
Assess a program’s effectiveness at achieving its intended outcomes. 

Process Evaluation Measures
Determine whether activities within your program have been implemented as planned.

Qualitative Tools

Interview Guides
These guides can help direct conversations with various stakeholders toward the topics and issues you want to learn about (e.g., processes, outcomes).

Arts-Based Tools
Arts-based activities that can be used as a primary way of understanding and examining the experience of youth or other stakeholders within a given program.

What criteria did YouthREX pay attention to when selecting measures?

These measures are appropriate for our target population—youth who are between 15- to 24-years-old. They are short, easy to understand, and don’t take too long to complete.

Almost all the measures we have included are open-access, free to the public, and easy to use without requiring training. There are a few that require permission or are available at a cost.

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