Bridging Programs: Pathways to Equity in Post-Secondary Education
7 years ago 7 years agoThis webinar was hosted by YouthREX.
Participation in post-secondary education (PSE) enhances the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals, communities, and societies overall. Unfortunately, certain groups of young people are underrepresented in PSE. Bridging programs have the potential to respond to the many and often overlapping challenges underrepresented youth face by providing individualized and alternative pathways for entrance, persistence, and attainment of PSE credentials.
In this webinar, we engage the multiple dimensions that contribute to equitable PSE access. We review the evidence related to successfully bridging youth facing barriers into PSE, and hear about strategies for promoting equity in PSE. Youth workers interested in opportunities for engaging youth facing barriers to PSE will be interested in this webinar.
This webinar features Dr. Sarah Todd, YouthREX Eastern Hub Academic Director and Associate Professor of Social Work at Carleton University, Jacqueline Stol, YouthREX Eastern Hub Research Assistant and MSW student, Susan Burhoe, Program Coordinator at the Centre for Initiatives in Education at Carleton University, and Natalie Lowry, former Enriched Support Program student at Carleton University.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2016, September 29). Bridging Programs: Pathways to Equity in Post-Secondary Education (Webinar Recording) on Vimeo [Video file]. Retrieved from
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