Building a Protective Community for All Children and Adolescents: Best Practices in Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention
Learning Network, Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & ChildrenThe aim of this presentation is to make professionals aware of the extent of the problem of sexual violence in childhood and adolescence, and of best practices in prevention and intervention in this field.
After providing an overview of the problem, we will discuss the service model developed at Marie-Vincent, a Child and Youth Support Centre (CAEJ) recognized by the Department of Justice Canada. From the perspective of trauma-sensitive practices, we will explore the concept of secondary victimization through the socio-judicial process, and ways to prevent it.
Participants will better be able to:
- Better understand the problem of child sexual abuse and the importance of prevention through sexuality education and promoting healthy, egalitarian relationships.
- Recognize the multiple consequences of childhood sexual abuse.
- Understand the specialized intervention model for sexual abuse developed by Marie-Vincent.
- Be aware of the impact of various legal proceedings on children and those close to them and the importance of preventing secondary victimization.
Webinars are offered in both English and French. This webinar will run in French with simultaneous English, American Sign Language (ASL), and Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) interpretation. A recording will be made available after the webinar.
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