
Change Your World Workshop

York University: Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change

York University: Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change is thrilled to announce the return of CHANGE YOUR WORLD on-campus at York University on December 7, 2022.

The goal of the Change Your World conference is to inspire youth in Ontario to be the next generation of environmentally active citizens. We welcome high school students and their teachers to this dynamic one-day conference that brings together youth and community organizations from across Ontario to discuss, collaborate and learn how to make sustainable and equitable change in our world.

Change Your World invites you and your educational outreach teams to consider submitting a workshop proposal to part of this dynamic and inspiring one-day action event on environmental and social justice. Deadline for submission is October 28, 2022. Hosted annually (minus a 2yr pandemic hiatus), this conference has inspired 1000s of Ontario high school students to make positive change in their everyday lives, schools and around the world.

Seeking hands-on skill building workshops or action based information sessions that will inspire, empower and equip youth to act, challenge and create solutions for a better world. Sessions will run twice during the day providing you and your organization the opportunity to meet with a diverse groups of students from across the province – live and in-person!

A complete agenda for the conference can we found on our website.

Canada December, 7, 2022 8:30 am to December, 7, 2022 2:30 pm Learn More
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