
Quality Mental Health Care: Dismantling Structural Stigma

Mental Health Commission of Canada

Anyone with a need should have access to quality mental health care — no matter where they live or what circumstances they’re in. But how can health organizations prevent stigmatizing practices? And how can they dismantle structural stigma within their organizations?

Join us for a panel discussion with health leaders on quality mental health care, with a focus on what structural stigma is and what organizations have done or could do to address it.

Watch this space for registration details!

Guest Speakers:

  • Bill Hill (Ro’nikonkatste), Co-CEO of Noojimo Health and founder of Biigajiiskaan, Indigenous Pathways to Mental Wellness
  • Jodi Younger, Vice-President, Patient Care and Quality at St. Joseph’s Health Care London
  • Samaria Nancy Cardinal, Patient Partner, Patients for Patient Safety Canada
  • Stephanie Knaak, Senior Research Consultant, Mental Health Commission of Canada


Jonathan Mitchell, Vice-President, Research and Policy, HealthCareCAN


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December 5, 2023 12:15 pm

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