Resources & Supports

Have resources to share?
Email us at and we'll add to this page.


COVID-19 Awareness Tool Kit
Public Health Agency of Canada

Coming back from COVID-19: Matt’s story
Government of Canada

Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
World Health Organization

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters
World Health Organization


Fight COVID Racism
Platform dedicated to tracking and reporting anti-Asian racism and xenophobia in Canada.

10 Ways to Fight for Social Justice During the Coronavirus Pandemic 
Palika Makam, Teen Vogue

What can you do to fight stigma associated with COVID-19?
World Health Organization


Kids Help Phone
Canada's only 24/7 e-mental health service, offering professional counselling, information, and referrals. Kids Help Phone's mandate includes former youth in care of any age.

LGBT Youth Line
Confidential and non-judgemental peer support through their telephone, text, and chat services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, queer, and questioning young people.

COVID-19 Student Support Network
A space for postsecondary students to share their thoughts and feelings towards the uncertainty and stress around online learning.

Free, professional, and confidential counselling support for Ontario postsecondary students.

Naseeha Youth Helpline
Peer support for Muslim youth.

COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub offers this hub of resources to help you take care of yourself and look out for the people you love during this challenging time.

Be There
An engaging and comprehensive resource from for young people to learn how to support each other through mental health.

A free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.

How teenagers can protect their mental health during Coronavirus (COVID-19)
A blog post with tips and resources from UNICEF Canada.

How to Manage Return Anxiety as the Lockdown Lifts
A factsheet from the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

School Mental Health Backpack
Children's Mental Health Ontario

7-Day Mindfulness Journal |
Guided Activities & Meditations 
These resources designed for youth by New Leaf Foundation support mental health & wellbeing.

How can we support you and your work during this time?

Do you want to learn about online tools for community engagement and public education? Do you want support in navigating our online Knowledge Hub? Do you need to access resources or evidence to support your work? Contact Kathe, our Knowledge Exchange Director.

Do you have questions about online learning? Do you have an idea for a virtual learning opportunity or community of practice? Contact Katarina, our Learning & Knowledge Exchange Manager.
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