Explore and discover accessible data about Ontario youth!
The Data Stories in this section highlight education data about Ontario youth – such as school attendance rates, highest certificates, diplomas or degrees attained, and types of degrees – to uncover specific trends that directly and indirectly influence youth wellbeing and young people’s ability to pursue their interests and contribute to their communities.
School Attendance of Ontario Youth by Age
The graph below shows that the school attendance rate among youth aged 15-19 has increased from 83% in 2006 to 87.7% in 2021. For youth aged 20-24 and 25-29, the attendance rate declined in those same years.
School Attendance of Ontario Youth by Immigration Status (2021)
The graph below shows that non-permanent residents* aged 20-24 and 25-29 have the highest school attendance rates. This is likely due to the fact that non-permanent residents include individuals who are in Ontario on study permits (i.e., they are here for the reason of attending school).
* Non-permanent residents are youth who have been authorized to enter Canada for temporary residence purposes, such as those on study or work permits.
Ontario Youth with Certificate, Diploma or Degree
The chart below shows that the percentage of youth with a certificate, diploma or degree has increased between 2006 and 2021 for all age categories.
Ontario Youth (25-29) with Certificate, Diploma or Degree
The chart below shows that the percentage of youth aged 25-29 with university-level degrees has also increased from 36.1% in 2006 to 46.1% in 2021.
Ontario Youth (25-29) with Certificate, Diploma or Degree
by Immigration Status (2021)
The chart below shows that 71.1% of non-permanent resident youth had university degrees as their highest level of education in 2021, while 39.7% of Canadian-born youth had university degrees.
The increase in the percentage of youth with university degrees is because of non-permanent residents, such as international students.
Ontario Youth with Apprenticeship/Trades Certificates
The chart below shows that there has been a decline in youth with apprenticeship/trades certificates since 2011, illustrating the decline in youth who choose vocational education.
The school attendance rate among youth aged 15-19 has increased from 83% in 2006 to 87.7% in 2021.
There has been a decline in youth with apprenticeship/trades certificates since 2011, illustrating the decline in youth who choose vocational education.
Curious about how youth in your census division are doing on various indicators? The Data Dashboard is an interactive tool that lets you explore, create, and download tables and visualizations on how Ontario youth are doing along different dimensions at the provincial and local levels (census levels).