The Data Dashboard is best viewed on a desktop or laptop for an optimal experience.

Explore and discover accessible data about Ontario youth!

The Data Hub is an online platform that highlights data trends about youth in Ontario. Users can drill down on disaggregated data from Statistics Canada across various youth characteristics and visualize changes over several census years. The Data Hub includes Data Stories with narratives on how Ontario youth are doing on different dimensions, disaggregated through socio-demographic variables, and an interactive Data Dashboard that allows users to select and customize local level data.

The Data Hub was developed specifically for the Ontario youth sector but anyone who is interested in youth and youth wellbeing in Ontario will find it relevant. Data can be powerful tools that inform practices, programs, services, and policies that are responsive to the diversity of youth in Ontario. The Data Hub is designed to be accessible regardless of experience with data analysis or data-based research.

You cannot upload your dataset directly to the Data Hub, but you can contact us to explore this at

Please cite as follows (add the year of the census data, i.e. 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021):

Statistics Canada. (YEAR). Census of Canada. Data Hub by YouthREX.

We would love to hear from you. You can reach us by email at

Please contact us at Thank you!


Data-driven stories highlight the changing face of Ontario's young people — including narratives on how youth are doing on different dimensions, disaggregated through socio-demographic variables such as age group, gender, race, immigration, geographic region, income levels, etc.


Curious about how youth in your census division are doing on various indicators? The Data Dashboard is an interactive tool that lets you explore, create, and download tables and visualizations on how Ontario youth are doing along different dimensions at the provincial and local levels (census levels). 

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