
Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for Black Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19


Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for Black Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19

4 years ago 4 years ago Published by
This factsheet was developed by the Society for Research in Child Development.


Data on COVID-19 transmission rates show an irrefutable and disturbing pattern: Black Americans are contracting and dying from COVID-19 at rates that far exceed other racial and ethnic groups. Through inequitable policies and practices, Black Americans are forced into conditions that elevate their risk for COVID-19, and consequently, place Black children at the epicenter of loss in multiple domains of life. This brief highlights the impact of the pandemic on Black children at the school, family, and individual levels by discussing how the pandemic affects academic performance and engagement, family economics and health, and children’s psychological well-being. With an understanding of the influence of systemic racism on COVID-19 disparities, we identify racial justice policy and practice recommendations that focus on equitable access to quality education to address the needs of Black children and families during and after the pandemic, including policies that fund access to information technology for remote learning, mental health services, and enhanced academic support.

Gaylord-Harden, N., Adams-Bass, V., Bogan, E., Francis, L., Scott, J., Seaton, E., & Williams, J. (2020). Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for Black Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19. Society for Research in Child Development. https://www.srcd.org/research/addressing-inequities-education-considerations-black-children-and-youth-era-covid-19

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