Why Conduct a Program Evaluation? Five Reasons Why Evaluation Can Help an Out-of-School Time Program
3 years ago 3 years agoThis factsheet was developed by Child Trends.
Program evaluation is a valuable tool for program managers who are seeking to strengthen the quality of their programs and improve outcomes for the children and youth they serve. Program evaluation answers basic questions about a program’s effectiveness, and evaluation data can be used to improve program services. In this brief, we define program evaluation, address common concerns program managers and practitioners have regarding evaluation, and outline five major reasons why conducting a program evaluation can benefit an out-of-school time program.
Metz, A. J. R. (2007). Why Conduct a Program Evaluation? Five Reasons Why Evaluation Can Help an Out-of-School Time Program. Child Trends. https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/child_trends-2007_10_01_rb_whyprogeval.pdf
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