
Towards Race Equity in Education: The Schooling of Black Students in the Greater Toronto Area


Towards Race Equity in Education: The Schooling of Black Students in the Greater Toronto Area

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by
This report was published by York University.


This report summarizes the experiences, issues and concerns raised during community consultations and conversations with young people. With Toronto District School Board data as reference, and based on their own experiences as parents, educators, community members, and students, participants also spent time reflecting on two main questions:

  • What is happening in the schools that impact Black students that contribute to their educational outcomes?
  • What is happening in the homes and communities of Black students that contribute to these outcomes?

Once participants identified key factors affecting Black students, they were asked to think about what changes are needed to support the educational success of Black students. Additionally, participants formulated recommendations to the Ministry of Education, school boards, school administrators, teachers, as well as to Black community organizations and other stakeholders.

The information shared by participants are supplemented with Canadian Census data, TDSB data, and various research studies which serve to contextualize this current report’s findings. The recommendations made by consultation participants form the basis of our recommendations included in Part 6 of this report.

James, C.E. & Turner, T. (2017). Towards race equity in education: The schooling of black students in the Greater Toronto Area. Toronto, ON: York University.

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