Islamophobia Is: Educator’s Guide
4 years ago 4 years agoThis toolkit was developed by Islamophobia Is.
The ‘Islamophobia is’ video series aims to foster an understanding of, and commitment to addressing, Islamophobia in its breadth and depth, among youth and non-youth alike. This guide is designed to enhance the educational and social impact of the video series among students in grades 6-12, while also contributing to students’ broader learning outcomes as outlined in the Ontario curriculum. Given the specified and sensitive nature of this topic, teachers are encouraged to rely heavily on this guide for content purposes, but are of course encouraged to adapt and select activities to suit their classroom needs and dynamics. This guide also provides reflection and follow-up activities that are appropriate for a large group viewing of the videos by students or adults.
Kanji, K., Kanji, A., & Hechanova, A. (2020). Educator’s Guide. Islamophobia Is.
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