
Measurement Guidance Toolkit for Mentoring Programs

Measurement Guidance Toolkit for Mentoring Programs

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by
This toolkit was developed by the National Mentoring Resource Center.


The goal of this Toolkit is to provide well-vetted recommendations for instruments that are suitable for use by mentoring programs and their evaluators. This should allow programs to more accurately capture their impacts, thus setting the stage for both improvements in program quality over time and, in the case of programs that show promise for effectiveness, generating a stronger and more targeted argument for programs. A further goal of the Toolkit is to create greater consistency in how youth outcomes are measured across programs. In this way, more meaningful comparisons can be made across programs. For example, does one program really improve school connectedness to a greater extent than others or is the difference due simply to how this outcome is being measured? Likewise, increased uniformity in how outcomes are assessed will provide researchers with the ability to aggregate evidence on impact across programs using common outcome metrics, thus offering an unprecedented opportunity to track and document trends in effectiveness for the youth mentoring field as a whole.

This toolkit is only available online through the National Mentoring Resource Center.

National Mentoring Resource Center. (n.d.). Measurement Guidance Toolkit for Mentoring Programs. Retrieved from

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