
Mmere Dane: Supporting Black Youth on a Restorative Journey – Facilitator Resource & Toolkit


Mmere Dane: Supporting Black Youth on a Restorative Journey – Facilitator Resource & Toolkit

10 months ago 10 months ago Published by
This toolkit was developed by Delta Family Resource Centre in partnership with Peacebuilders International (Canada), For Youth Initiative, and Helping Neighbourhoods Implement Change.


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child compliance process identified that Black and Indigenous youth are overrepresented in Canada’s Criminal Justice system. Their complex needs are not adequately addressed through existing provincially funded program options, leading to further marginalization and poor outcomes for health, education, and further interaction with the justice system. Furthermore, provincially funded formal programs do not specifically centre the experience of Black youth. Through a needs review conducted by the Ministry of the Attorney General, justice-involved youth identified the following:

  • The justice system is confusing and overwhelming, making it hard for young people and their families to navigate the process.
  • Long wait times between being charged and first appearing in court impede young people from being connected to services quickly
  • Anti-Black racism has decreased trust in the justice system and law enforcement.

As a response to this and increasing gun crime and community violence, the Ontario Government developed a strategy to address the needs of Black youth and young adults through a Justice Centre situated in Toronto’s Northwest quadrant.

The resources outlined in this guide and toolkit build on the important and often unrecognized work of youth workers from grassroots and community organizations who have provided culturally responsive services to vulnerable youth and their families without adequate program funding and in the face of systemic barriers. These past contributions have fed the soil from which this initiative, Mmere Dane (Time Changes) grows. Mmere Dane is an Adinkra symbol signifying Change and refers to the changes which we hope that this process will inspire in participating youth.

Delta Family Resource Centre. (2022). Mmere Dane: Supporting Black Youth on a Restorative Journey – Facilitator Resource & Toolkit.

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