Working with Indigenous Families: An Engagement Bundle for Child and Youth Mental Health Agencies
1 year ago 1 year agoThis toolkit was developed by the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions.
In many Indigenous cultures, bundles play an important role in health and well-being. Physical bundles (i.e. a collection of sacred items that are important to a given person, such as eagle feathers, medicines, a pipe, etc.) are often carried by Indigenous peoples attending ceremony. Similarly, some Indigenous cultures believe that when a child is born they come into the world with a spiritual bundle which holds all of the gifts the Creator gave to them. Both physical and spiritual bundles serve the purpose of helping a person to engage with creation in a healthy and balanced way.
This engagement bundle is designed to provide you with high level, introductory information about how you may want to approach your work with Indigenous families. This bundle also directs you to additional resources that can help you engage with Indigenous families in meaningful and respectful ways.
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions. (n.d.). Working with Indigenous Families: An Engagement Bundle for Child and Youth Mental Health Agencies.
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