
Youth Employment – Barriers & Opportunities


Youth Employment – Barriers & Opportunities

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by
This webinar was hosted by YouthREX.


What are the barriers to meaningful employment for young people in our communities? How can we support youth in overcoming these barriers and meeting the demands of an ever-changing labour market?

In Ontario, the unemployment rate of young people between the ages of 15-24 is twice the unemployment rate of the general population; the rate of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) was 11.1% in 2016.

Precarious employment, unemployment, and underemployment impact outcomes for young people, particularly those who face systemic barriers and forms of discrimination based on race, gender, ability, language or identity.

We discussed barriers to employment and ways the youth sector can promote pathways to meaningful employment to improve youth wellbeing.

This webinar was facilitated by Gladys Okine, Executive Director at First Work, and featured:

  • Tamara Balan, Associate Vice President, CivicAction & Escalator: Jobs for Youth Facing Barriers
  • Lucas Gordon, Team Lead, RedReach
  • Osivue Isteumah, Equity & Employment Lead (2018-2019), Toronto Youth Cabinet

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2018, September 18). Youth Employment – Barriers & Opportunities (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/sE_xTWJLMWI

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