Academic Literature

Beyond Intellectual Insularity: Multicultural Literacy as a Measure of Respect


Beyond Intellectual Insularity: Multicultural Literacy as a Measure of Respect

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

We report on a national survey (942 secondary students, 10 school boards, 5 provinces) that measures what young people know about the histories and the intellectual, political, and cultural legacies of racialized peoples, globally and nationally, and where they learned it (school, media, family, community). Intended as a contribution to, and challenge of, existing frameworks for multicultural education, the research demonstrates the importance of in and out of school learning, and how the various sites of learning resonate differently for particular groups of young people. It demonstrates the key role schools can play for different youth in building, or augmenting, a consistent, common knowledge base.

Taylor, L. K., & Hoechsmann, M. (2011). Beyond intellectual insularity: multicultural literacy as a measure of respect. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’education, 34(2), 219-238.

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