Academic Literature A Website for Youth and Health Care Professionals (HCPs) Focusing on Interactions between Prescription Drugs and Substances of Abuse

2014 A Website for Youth and Health Care Professionals (HCPs) Focusing on Interactions between Prescription Drugs and Substances of Abuse

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Adolescents often engage in recreational substance use and those with chronic health conditions are no exception. These adolescents are often prescribed medications that can interact with recreational drugs, increasing morbidity. A risk reduction strategy was conceived in Cocktails (2002), a book for youth detailing potential interactions between recreational and prescription drugs and was well received by HCPs and youth. A youth friendly online version, with added evidence and detail for HCPs was developed to increase access, improve patient/HCP communication and knowledge translation. The purpose of the study was to create a web based application that provides youth and HCPs information on interactions between prescription medications and substances of abuse, and evaluate the utility, ease of use and user satisfaction using data from a pilot study targeting youth and HCPs.

Elbe, D., Gill, S., Santor, D., Norris, M., & Whitehouse, S. (2014). DrugCocktails. ca: a website for youth and health care professionals – focusing on interactions between prescription drugs and substances of abuse. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S89.

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