Academic Literature

Integrating Life Skills Into Golf Canada’s Youth Programs: Insights Into a Successful Research to Practice Partnership

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Integrating Life Skills Into Golf Canada’s Youth Programs: Insights Into a Successful Research to Practice Partnership

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

This article offers insights into a successful research to practice partnership created between the University of Ottawa and Golf Canada, who worked together over the span of two years to integrate a life skills curriculum within two national programs for young golfers:(a) Golf in Schools and(b) Future Links Learn to Play. More specifically, the purpose of this article is to (a) describe how the partnership was created, (b) explain how the life skills curriculum was developed, and (c) share lessons learned from establishing a successful partnership with a national sport organization.

Kendellen, K., Camiré, M., Bean, C. N., Forneris, T., & Thompson, J. (2017). Integrating life skills into golf Canada’s youth programs: Insights into a successful research to practice partnership. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 8(1), 34-46.

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