Academic Literature

Mentoring Supports and Mentoring Across Difference: Insights From Mentees


Mentoring Supports and Mentoring Across Difference: Insights From Mentees

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Mentoring relationships in higher education are recognized as a critical factor in preparing and socializing doctoral students and junior faculty for academic roles. We examined the practices of 12 educational leadership professors who were recipients of the Jay D. Scribner Mentoring Award, from the perspectives of 103 mentees who submitted letters in support of their nominations. The process-based relational mentoring framework was adopted for thematic analysis and two core interpretative dimensions formed: effective mentoring practices that were universally acknowledged as effective and considerations for mentoring across difference. Mentees reported effective mentor traits and practices, including being approachable and accessible, demonstrating humility and genuine care for others, and tailoring the experience to mentees’ individualized needs. Findings also included insights related to mentoring across difference, in which mentors and mentees differed by gender and race/ethnicity.  

Lia, S., Malin, J. R., & Hackman, D. G. (2018). Mentoring supports and mentoring across difference: insights from mentees. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 26(5), 563-584. Retrieved from

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