Academic Literature

Resilience Factors in Students Presenting Depressive Symptoms During the Post-secondary School Transition


Resilience Factors in Students Presenting Depressive Symptoms During the Post-secondary School Transition

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

Depression constitutes an important predicting factor of school dropout. The post-secondary transition represents a vulnerability period for at-risk students. The goal of this study was to identify resilience factors of depression in a sample of 389 young adults. Self-reported measures (personal, family, social and school-related) were completed. A subgroup of resilience students, who did not report depressive symptoms although they experienced low family support, was compared with a subgroup of depressive students. Results of khi 2 analyses and multiple linear regression analysis revealed that four variables characterized the subgroup of resilience students (N=42). The presence of personal goals was associated with the higher Beta value, followed by low level of dysfunctional attitudes, good emotional adjustment to college, and professional goals.

Marcotte, D., Villatte, A., & Potvin, A. (2014). Resilience factors in students presenting depressive symptoms during the post-secondary school transition. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 159, 91-95.

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