Community. Connection. Care.
Like most of Ontario’s youth sector, YouthREX is feeling the weight of this challenging and unprecedented time we are in. Shout out to young people, youth workers, and staff and volunteers of youth programs across Ontario, and their loved ones! You are in our thoughts as we all navigate this situation together.
We know that this pandemic will affect communities differently, and that the precarity and inequities already experienced by youth and youth workers – and within and across the youth sector itself – will be made more difficult by the impacts of COVID-19.
We also know that youth (and youth workers) need supports to deal with the massive disruptions that we are all experiencing in these challenging and unprecedented times. And yes, I know I have already used ‘challenging and unprecedented’ at the beginning. I am sure many of you can relate to how certain words or phrases have become your ‘go to’ way of trying to describe the magnitude of the chaos that COVID-19 has unleashed globally. For me, it is ‘challenging and unprecedented’ for now.
As we all keep physically distancing and adjusting to life without in-person interaction, we believe that the need for connection, community, and care is critical now more than ever. YouthREX’s physical offices are closed but we are working remotely and will continue to provide supports and services to Ontario’s youth sector as you keep figuring out what youth programming in a COVID-19 era looks like.
How can we physically distance to keep us all safe and well while ensuring social connectedness for youth in our communities? YouthREX is committed to finding ways to stay connected to you and our stakeholders, provide our platform to mobilize digital resources, as well as provide space for others to exchange useful information.
We have learned a thing or two in our five years of extensively using online tools in working towards our vision of an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth, and we are happy to share! We are looking forward to sharing what we know that works (and doesn’t work that well) in using online and virtual tools.
So, please reach out and let’s chat if you have any questions about virtual work.
Do you want to learn about online tools for community engagement and public education? Do you want support in navigating our online Knowledge Hub? Do you need to access resources or evidence to support your work? Contact Kathe, our Knowledge Exchange Manager, or schedule a time to chat by phone.
Do you have questions about online learning? Do you have an idea for a virtual learning opportunity or community of practice? Contact Cyril, our Learning and Development Manager, or schedule a time to chat by phone.
How else can we support you and your work during this time? Let us know how we can best meet your needs over the weeks and months ahead.
We understand that the nature of your work may be changing. We are all adapting to changing circumstances in real time, and we hope that you will stay connected to share the issues that are most relevant to your work, as well as your challenges and successes, so that we can respond and offer any support we can.
Take care, be well, and stay connected!
Access COVID-19 resources and supports on our website or browse the Featured Collection on our Knowledge Hub.