Event and Youth Initiative Grants
Canadian Race Relations FoundationWe’re now accepting applications for the second round of our National Anti-Racism Fund (NARF)’s Event and Youth Initiative Grants. The National Anti-Racism Fund is one of the ways that the CRRF supports communities across Canada in the fight against racism and discrimination.
Organizations should apply for a NARF Event and Youth Initiative Grant if they plan to host initiatives aligned with one or more of the key themes and objectives listed below and designed to achieve one or more of the expected results.
Events are community-based, planned public, social, and/or learning occasions and activities relating to the themes and objectives of the National Anti-Racism Fund. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.
Youth Initiatives are projects that are youth-led or focused on youth. Youth are defined as persons below the age of 30. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.
Available Funding and Flow of Funds
Available funding for any proposed Event or Youth Initiative is up to a maximum of $10,000.Applicants will only be eligible for funding under the Event and Youth Initiative to a maximum of two applications.The CRRF will work with successful applicants to establish the flow of funds according to deliverables. The CRRF will provide 80% of funds upon contract signing. The remaining 20% of funds will be released after the final report is submitted on the CRRF’s SurveyMonkey Apply platform. Final reports must be submitted within 60 days after project completion and approved by the CRRF monitoring team.Applications for initiatives currently receiving funding through either the Community Support, Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Initiatives (CSMARI) Program or the Anti-Racism Action Program (ARAP) – administered by the Department of Canadian Heritage – will only be considered if the application is to extend or expand the existing initiative.
Application Deadline
- Applications seeking funding for Events or Youth Initiatives that will take place between April and July 2024 must be submitted by 11:59 pm (EST) on January 15, 2024.
This funding is available to:
- Canadian registered charities (as recognized by the Canadian Revenue Agency) and Canadian non-profit organizations and associations.
- First Nations, Inuit and Metis organizations
- Canadian non-Federal public institutions such as municipalities, boards of education, schools, colleges and universities.
- Grassroots and recognized student groups
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