OCAD U Live: Youth Content Creation Program


OCAD U is offering a FREE one of a kind program, for BIPOC high school students. This program will help you to develop your skills in the area of digital content creation. Over a 6 week period, the program will cover the basics of video and podcast production; using industry standard equipment. In addition to other topics that will prepare you for the content creation industry. As a bonus, completed projects will be included on the OCADU Live website; to get you started on building an audience for your content. You’ll also receive mentoring from experienced content creators and have access to OCAD U Live studio. If you’re ready to make an impact through digital content creation this program is for you.

Visit Learn more link for more information and how to register.
Toronto May 13, 2023, 12:00 AM to June 17, 2023, 12:00 AM Learn More
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