Power of Youth Grant
Michaëlle Jean FoundationAs a legacy of the National Black Canadians Summit, the Power of Youth is a one-time grant program that aims to support young people to realize projects that benefit their own communities, working towards recognition, justice and development for Black Canadians.
- Must be a Black youth between the ages of 16 and 30 who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
- Individuals are eligible to apply as well as groups that must select a representative who meets all the eligibility requirements.  Â
- Each project must be based in Canada and address a specific issue in the community, aligned with the objectives, intentions, and statements in the Halifax Declaration (e.g. identify an issue, propose a solution and implement it within their community).
- The proposed project can also be a new component or an expansion of an existing initiative.
- Must provide a letter of support from a community organization/mentor endorsing the applicant (s) as well as the proposed initiative.
The Foundation will accept applications until August 14th, 2023.
Click on the Learn More link for details and to apply!
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