
Systems Innovation Grant

Ontario Trillium Foundation

Sectors such as education, justice, child welfare, language and culture, social services and employment play a critical role in the social and economic wellbeing of youth. When there are gaps in the infrastructure and interactions within and between these sectors, communities and organizations work together to create meaningful change. This is what we define as systems change.

Systems change work examines how policies, practices and procedures can be improved to better reflect the needs of youth impacted by systemic issues. In this grant stream, YOF prioritizes systems change work that improves the experiences of Indigenous and Black youth who continue to face system barriers and oppression.

YOF recognizes that systems change takes time, trust and a deep understanding of how systems function. Youth must be included in the process along with youth-serving organizations and other key stakeholders who directly support policy, design and grassroots work. This collaboration ensures real change goes beyond any single organization and/or isolated program.

Click on the Learn More link for more info!

December 4, 2023, 12:00 AM March 6, 2024 Learn More
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