Defining Anti-Black Racial Microaggressions
10 months ago 10 months agoThis factsheet was created by YouthREX.
Racism encompasses a complex set of beliefs in racial superiority and inferiority, enacted through individual behaviours and institutional practices, leading to the devaluation and marginalization of Black people. Modern-day racism has shifted from overt acts to more subtle, implicit, and nuanced messages.
Anti-Black microaggressions are daily, sometimes unintentional slights towards Black people, and often involve a broad range of interactions. These microaggressions can be experienced across five domains, perpetuating systemic racism and harming Black youth, families, and communities. Understanding the multifaceted nature of anti-Black microaggressions is essential for recognizing and addressing their pervasive impact.
This Factsheet was developed by YouthREX Research Assistant Hajar Seiyad from “Racial Microaggressions in the Life Experience of Black Americans” by Derald Wing Sue, Christina M. Capodilupo, and Aisha M. B. Holder, published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (2008).
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2024). Defining Anti-Black Racial Microaggressions.
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