So, What IS an Anti-Black Microaggression? 50 Examples from Black Youth
8 months ago 8 months agoThis factsheet was created by YouthREX.
Anti-Black microaggressions are daily, sometimes unintentional, slights, indignities, put-downs, and insults towards Black people. They can be complicated to combat because they are subtle and can seem inoffensive, or even complimentary, on the surface.
Experiencing microaggressions has been described as “death by a thousand cuts” because of their incremental, damaging effects on the physical and mental health of Black youth.
Anti-Black microaggressions permeate various facets of the daily lives of Black youth – in random interactions in workplaces, public spaces, educational institutions, healthcare settings, interactions with police, and even gatherings with friends and family.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2024). So, What IS an Anti-Black Microaggression? 50 Examples from Black Youth.
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