Pieces to Pathways: Customized Evaluation Supports Profile
7 years ago 7 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis factsheet was developed by YouthREX about Pieces to Pathways.
This factsheet is a Customized Evaluation Supports (CES) profile of Pieces to Pathways (P2P), a peer-led initiative creating Canada’s first substance use support program for LGBTTQQ2SIA youth, ages 16- to 29-years-old, in Toronto. P2P is focusing its work in two areas: first, providing abstinence and harm reduction alcohol and drug use support services for LGBTTQQ2SIA youth, which includes coordinating three community drop-in spaces, providing case management services, and facilitating groups; and second, working with addiction and substance use service providers to determine their LGBTQ accessibility by engaging in LGBTQ assessments and capacity-building process.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2016). Pieces to Pathways: Customized Evaluation Support Profile. Toronto, ON: Author.
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