Taking a Systems Approach to Supporting Youth through Extrajudicial Measures
6 years ago 6 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis factsheet was created by YouthREX.
This factsheet was developed from the Supporting Positive Outcomes for Youth Involved with the Law report, and shares a case study example of a young person, Shane, who is referred to an Indigenous-focused Extrajudicial Measures (EJM) program. It outlines the importance of taking a systems approach to supporting youth through diversion programs and gives concrete examples about how to apply this approach based on the case study.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you can find in this factsheet:
- You’ll meet Shane, an Indigenous youth who has faced multiple challenges in his life that have led to his referral to an EJM program.
- Clear examples of how to think through a systems response that engages multiple contexts of youth development.
- Examples of how culture, context, family, and community can impact what support can/should look like for youth involved with the law.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2017). Taking a Systems Approach to Supporting Youth through Extrajudicial Measures. Toronto, ON: Author.
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