Featured Collections

Curated collections of resources from our Knowledge Hub.

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Browse this collection for the latest resources created and curated by YouthREX. Updated monthly! 

Black History / Black Futures Month

February is Black History / Black Futures Month. This year’s theme encourages us to honour the legacy of Black leaders while creating pathways to empower and support Black youth to thrive.

Youth workers must develop intentional practices that centre the voices and lived experiences of Black youth, fostering inclusive, safe spaces where they feel heard, validated, and empowered. Identifying concrete ways to challenge, disrupt, and combat systemic anti-Black racism—both in individual practices and organizational policies—is critical.

Browse this collection of Good Youth Work Practices from The Kit for Centering Black Youth Wellbeing to support your work with Black youth, families, and communities throughout the year.

Challenging Islamophobia

January 29th marks the National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia, an opportunity to mourn the violent attack at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City in 2017, and to take action against Islamophobia in all its various forms. In the wake of ongoing violence against Muslims from around the world, youth workers must consistently recommit to challenging Islamophobia in our communities.

Browse this collection of resources that address issues facing Muslim youth in Ontario, that amplify the voices of Muslim youth, and that support youth workers to understand and respond to Islamophobia.

Evaluation Reports by YouthREX

Browse this collection of reports developed by or in partnership with members of the YouthREX team.

YouthREX’s Customized Evaluation Supports meet youth-serving organizations where their evaluation capacity is, and are responsive to program needs, working collaboratively to co-create evaluation processes and meaningfully engaging youth. YouthREX adheres to high ethical standards and commits fully to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Cannabis Use

Browse this collection of toolkits, factsheets, and reports that offer insight into cannabis legalization, harm reduction, and strategies to help youth and youth workers navigate conversations about cannabis use.

October 2023 marks the fifth anniversary of cannabis legalization in Canada. Youth workers and service providers in the sector are in a unique position to provide important information to young people who may be using—or thinking about using—cannabis. 

What's With Weed?

We're excited to share a redesigned What's With Weed webpage! We collaborated with a variety of partners — including young people! — to create this youth-friendly one-stop-shop on cannabis.

Browse this related collection of over 40 youth-friendly resources about cannabis, including its effects, safer use practices, facts on legalization, as well as its history and social impacts.

This collection is also available in French.

French-Language Resources

Browse this collection of Knowledge Hub resources available in French.

You can also check out our French-language Featured Collections: L'herbe, c'est quoi ? and L'autonomisation économique des jeunes Noirs.

Be sure to visit our French-language platform for learning opportunities, Apprendre par YouthREX.

Economic Empowerment of Black Youth

Browse this collection of resources to support the economic empowerment of Black youth, including those developed as part of the Outcomes Framework for the Economic Empowerment of Black Youth in Ontario.

The Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism launched a Request for Proposals in February 2022 under the Economic Empowerment Stream of the Black Youth Action Plan to support Black youth in achieving social and economic success.

To support community stakeholders in building a shared understanding of evidence-based interventions and outcomes under this economic empowerment stream, YouthREX developed the Outcomes Framework for the Economic Empowerment of Black Youth in Ontario.

This collection is also available in French.

Pathways to Education

Browse this collection of research summaries, bibliographies, and reports from our colleagues at Pathways to Education Canada.

Pathways to Education provides youth from low-income communities with the resources and supports to graduate from high school and build the foundation for a successful future.

Through their innovative, community-based approach, students receive four important, wraparound areas of support—academic, financial, social, and one-on-one—which include programming and incentives like after-school tutoring, mentoring, networking opportunities, transit passes to get to and from school, and scholarships for post-secondary education.


Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth

Browse this collection of critical resources developed by the Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth, or visit their online archives.

Established in 2007, the Ontario Child Advocate was an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, and their work was guided by the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. On November 15, 2018, the provincial government announced that they would be repealing the Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth Act and would be closing the Advocate’s Office. As of May 1, 2019, the Advocate’s Office is closed.


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