Outcomes Framework: The Economic Empowerment of Black Youth in Ontario
2 years ago 2 years agoThis report was published by YouthREX.
The Outcomes Framework for the Economic Empowerment of Black Youth was developed by Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX) as part of a collaboration with the Dream Legacy Foundation (DLF) and the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities (NABC) funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services (MCCSS) under the Black Youth Action Plan.
The Framework will support community stakeholders as well as relevant government institutions to build a shared understanding of the intended outcomes of interventions funded under the Economic Empowerment Stream of the Black Youth Action Plan.
The Framework is informed by the SIDE Theory of Change for the Economic Empowerment of Black Youth developed by YouthREX that includes four quadrants of change grounded in an understanding that an economic empowerment stream for Black youth must not only provide opportunities for them to develop skills and capacities but it must also include institutional change strategies that address systemic barriers that they face. The Framework therefore takes a multidimensional approach to economic empowerment that involves action at both the individual and institutional levels and across formal and informal channels.
The Framework includes Logic Models for three pillars of the Economic Empowerment Stream of the Black Youth Action Plan with suggestions of policy and program level interventions that address the need for individual and institutional change strategies. The three pillars are:
Pillar #1: Strengthening the Talent Pipeline
Pillar #2: Employment and Job Retention
Pillar #3: Diversifying Economic Opportunities
The Framework identifies important outcomes across the three pillars and describes possible indicators to monitor success in achieving the identified outcomes at the provincial and program levels.
The Framework represents a holistic and comprehensive approach with interventions delivered and outcomes achieved at multiple levels. The full potential of the economic empowerment strategy cannot be realized without the full force of both policy changes and programming interventions. Thus, this framework assumes that institutional, policy, and program interventions will be delivered collectively and concurrently, working together to create the necessary conditions for the achievement of economic empowerment of Black youth.
The Outcomes Framework for the Economic Empowerment of Black Youth also includes a monitoring and evaluation system to support the evaluation of outcomes for Black youth of programs funded under the Economic Empowerment Stream of the Black Youth Action Plan.
You can also read an overview of the report, An Overview of the Outcomes Framework: The Economic Empowerment of Black Youth in Ontario.
Anucha, U., Fiissel, D., Attygalle, K., Cromwell, C., Kanji, K., & Oradubanya, N. (2021). Outcomes Framework: The Economic Empowerment of Black Youth in Ontario. Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). https://youthrex.com/report/outcomes-framework-the-economic-empowerment-of-black-youth-in-ontario/
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