
Addressing Youth Unemployment and Underemployment: Submission to the Premier’s Council on Youth Opportunities


Addressing Youth Unemployment and Underemployment: Submission to the Premier’s Council on Youth Opportunities

7 years ago 7 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by the Ontario Federation of Labour Young Workers Committee.


In Ontario, the recent recession and the austerity measures that followed have had a disproportionate impact on young people. Their struggles foretell a broader low-wage future for all Ontarians if our government does not change course. The scope and depth of the challenges facing young workers demand a new, progressive approach to public policy and managing the economy. Young people across the province are calling on the provincial government to put job creation and the well-being of people and communities ahead of deficit reduction and corporate profits.

A structural inequality between younger and older workers is taking hold in the Ontario economy. To address the full scope of this problem, the provincial government must make a meaningful shift in their approach to boosting the economy and strengthening the labour market. Ontario needs to reject austerity and chart a new path forward – one that sees government embrace its role as a key driver of the economy.

Ontario Federation of Labour Young Workers Committee. (2014). Addressing youth unemployment and underemployment: Submission to the premier’s council on youth opportunities, Government of Ontario. Retrieved from

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