Changing the Rules: Ontario Teacher Reflections on Implementing Shifting Health and Physical Education Curricula
3 years ago 3 years agoThis report was published by the Enacting Sex Education Update: A view from Ontario’s Teachers Research Project, York University.
In the span of four years, Ontario teachers have been tasked with teaching four different Health & Physical Education curricula in a context of intense social and political scrutiny. Charged with implementing a revolving door of ‘new’ curricula, on sensitive subject matters, amidst a very public controversy, teachers were at the front lines of the controversy. During this period, we spoke to experienced health and physical education teachers across Ontario to ask them about teaching sex education, gather their feedback on curricular changes, and make recommendations for improving the roll-out of future updates. We interviewed 34 experienced teachers from 17 different school boards across the province.
Flicker, S., Gagnon, M., Gilbert, J., Guta, A., MacEntee, K., Oliver, V., Sanders, C., Goldstein, A., Maitland, H., Malenfant, K., Newbigging, M., Switzer, S., Williams, D., & Antoniw, J. (2020). Changing the Rules: Ontario Teacher Reflections on Implementing Shifting Health and Physical Education Curricula. York University.
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