
Children Back, Land Back: A Follow-Up Report to the 1st Ever Gathering of First Nation Youth in Care Advisors


Children Back, Land Back: A Follow-Up Report to the 1st Ever Gathering of First Nation Youth in Care Advisors

2 years ago 2 years ago Published by
This report was published by Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G).


In November 2019, A7G, alongside the Caring Society and Youth In Care Canada (YICC), helped facilitate and organize the 1st Ever YICC Gathering of First Nations Youth Advisors, which resulted in the creation of the Justice, Equity & Culture: The First-Ever YICC Gathering of First Nations Youth Advisors report.

The youth we spoke to in 2019 shared their stories as well as their recommendations on a way forward. We listened and honoured their recommendations by hosting a follow-up gathering at a very critical time for the future of youth and children in and from care.

This past November, A7G hosted two focus groups and a national survey. In just a few short weeks, we heard from over 100 Indigenous youth and children who had experienced child welfare. The young people that bravely shared their experiences and knowledge with us offered more guidance and recommendations that influenced the agreement-in-principle, which we hope will turn into action and change as soon as possible.

Fayant, G., & Bach, A. D. (2021). Children Back, Land Back: A Follow-Up Report to the 1st Ever Gathering of First Nation Youth in Care Advisors. Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G).

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