Integrated Youth Services: Policy Recommendations for System Transformation
2 years ago 2 years agoThis report was published by Frayme.
From October 26-28, 2021, over 200 attendees united at Frayme’s #IYS2021 Knowledge Series to discuss themes of service gaps, data standardization and collection, and a future path for Integrated Youth Services (IYS) in Canada. Considering the rapid growth of IYS hubs in communities across Canada and the absence of a specific or standard model, implementation method or evaluation framework for these hubs, a national discussion of this sort was necessary. This Knowledge Series gave space for diverse voices from across sites and regions to share their approaches and insights on IYS and work together to identify system recommendations for a path forward.
Following the Knowledge Series, Frayme reviewed the ignitor statements, panel discussions and breakout room conversations and extracted 7 key concepts that were heard across the 3 days. These concepts were further synthesized into a policy recommendation document that serves to guide Canada onto a path where the mental health and substance use system can adequately serve our youth, and caregivers. The goal of these recommendations is not only to provide direction towards system transformation, but to amplify the voices of those working within the system and demonstrate the value that comes when diverse stakeholders work in alliance with one another.
Frayme. (2021). Integrated Youth Services: Policy Recommendations for System Transformation.
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