
Mentoring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex & Gender Nonconforming Youth


Mentoring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex & Gender Nonconforming Youth

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by
This report was published by the National Mentoring Resource Center.


This review examines research on mentoring for youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and gender nonconforming (LGBTQI-GNC). It is organized around four topics:

a) the documented effectiveness of mentoring for LGBTQI-GNC youth;

b) the extent to which mentor, youth, and program characteristics influence effectiveness;

c) the processes that may link mentoring to outcomes in LGBTQI-GNC youth; and

d) the extent to which efforts to provide mentoring for LGBTQI- GNC youth have reached and engaged these youth, been implemented with high quality, and been adopted and sustained by host organizations and settings.

At present, few empirical studies have been conducted to address any of the above questions. However, a growing body of literature has identified patterns of risks faced by LGBTQI-GNC youth and points also to the types of support that may be most closely associated with facilitating positive outcomes in this population.

Rummell, C. L. (2016). Mentoring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex & Gender Nonconforming Youth. Washington, DC: National Mentoring Resource Center. Retrieved from

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