
The Mental Health and Well-Being of Ontario Students


The Mental Health and Well-Being of Ontario Students

7 years ago 7 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).


The Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) is a population survey of Ontario students in grades 7 through 12. The OSDUHS began in 1977 and is the longest ongoing school survey in Canada, and one of the longest in the world. This self-administered, anonymous survey is conducted across the province every two years with the purpose of identifying epidemiological trends in student drug use, mental health, physical health, gambling, bullying, and other risk behaviours, as well as identifying risk and protective factors. Typically, the OSDUHS surveys thousands of students in over 150 elementary and secondary schools across Ontario. The survey sample is considered representative of all students in grades 7-12 in publicly funded schools in Ontario (just under one million students).

This survey is important because it provides current and reliable information about the health risk behaviours, attitudes and beliefs of Ontario adolescents, and tracks changes over time. Findings from the OSDUHS have been widely used by health, education, and government officials in setting health priorities and facilitating preventative policies, programs and services that address youths’ needs.

Boak, A., Jamilton, H.A., Adlaf, E.M., Henderson, J.L., & Mann, R.E. (2016). The mental health and well-being of Ontario students, 1991-2015: Detailed OSDUHS findings (CAMG Research Document Series No. 43). Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

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