
Youth and Young Adults: Life in Transition


Youth and Young Adults: Life in Transition

7 years ago 7 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by Public Health Agency of Canada.


The goals of the CPHO’s annual report are to highlight specific public health issues that the CPHO has determined warrant further discussion and action and to inform Canadians about the factors that contribute to improving health. This report does not represent Government of Canada policy and is not limited to reporting on federal or provincial/territorial activities. As such, it is not meant to be a framework for policy but rather a reflection of the CPHO’s perspective, based on evidence, on the state of public health across the country.

It examines the factors that have influenced the health and well-being of Canada’s youth and young adults; it outlines proven and/or promising programs, activities, interventions and policies that can serve as models to inspire action and collaboration among multiple levels of government, jurisdictions, sectors, communities, organizations and individuals; and it identifies priority areas for action so that Canada can foster optimal conditions for health and development.

Butler-Jones, D. (2011). Youth and young adults: Life in transition. Public Health Agency of Canada.

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