
Youth Employment in Canada: Challenges and Potential Solutions


Youth Employment in Canada: Challenges and Potential Solutions

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by Parliament of Canada.


On 29 October 2013, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance adopted the following motion: That the Standing Committee on Finance a) undertake a study of youth employment across Canada, b) that the Committee make recommendations to the Government of Canada to improve youth employment outcomes in Canada; and c) that the Committee report its findings to the House of Commons.

From 6 March – 8 April 2014, the Committee held seven hearings in relation to this study; 38 groups or individuals made presentations to the Committee, and an additional 26 written briefs were received. This report summarizes the oral and written testimony received by the Committee in relation to this study, and presents recommendations.

In particular, Chapters Two, Three and Four discuss youth as students, employees or potential employees, and entrepreneurs, respectively. Chapter Five contains the Committee’s recommendations about actions that might be taken to improve youth employment outcomes in Canada, while Chapter Six provides concluding thoughts.

House of Commons Committees. (2014). Youth employment in Canada: Challenges and potential solutions. Retrieved 2015, from

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