Youth in Care with Complex Needs
7 years ago 7 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis report was published by the Office Of The Children’s Advocate.
Children and youth become involved with the child welfare system due to a range of risk factors related to child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect), caregiver issues (such as parental substance misuse, poor parenting skills, mental health issues, and domestic violence), and child difficulties (including behaviour problems, disabilities, mental health issues, and parent-teen conflict) (Simmel, 2010). Often, these risk factors are not discrete, isolate variables that only affect child functioning individually, but they occur in combinations that exacerbate their impact. This section of this report reviews what is known about these risk factors, individually and, where possible, in interaction with one another, creating a complexity that challenges child welfare systems and other service sectors in adequately responding.
This report provides in depth insight on how to better support youth in care with complex needs. The report provides an overview of the current service needs and gaps for youth with complex needs, based on the results of the OCA case reviews, CFSIS data analysis, review of supplementary reports and documents on services in Manitoba, and interviews of key representatives who provide services to youth with complex needs.
The Office of the Children’s Advocate. (2012). Youth in care with complex needs. Retrieved from
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