Organizational Resources
BGC Canada | Anti-Racism Toolkit
Includes key concepts, implementation guidance, and activities.
Black Lives Matter | Healing in Action: A Toolkit for Black Lives Matter Healing Justice & Direct Action
Created to collate, condense, and share lessons learned in ensuring that direct actions are centered on healing justice.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion | Navigating Race in Canadian Workplaces
Includes practical tips on building race conscious organizations and considerations when collecting racial demographics.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion | Responding to Social Issues
Guides employers in determining whether to respond to a social issue or event and developing their own framework for how to respond.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion | Sustaining the Black Lives Matter Movement in the Workplace
Recommends four strategies to keep the momentum going to address anti-Black racism in the workplace: listen, engage, acknowledge, and do.
CUPE Ontario | A Guide for Unions: Recognize and Resist White Supremacy
For union locals, elected leaders, union activists, and staff who want to strengthen their work on naming and resisting white supremacy.
Federation of Black Canadians | Black Pulse Project – Employment/Workplace
Resources to better understand employment issues facing Black Canadians.
The Heinz Endowments | Racial Equity Outcome Toolkit: A Six-Step Process for Your Organization
Designed to help address diverse needs while increasing racial equity within organizations, with recommendations to assist in building organizational capacity for constructive conversations about race and privilege, and to learn how to assess its sphere of influence and contribute to systemic change.
Ontario Nonprofit Network Resource Centre | Truth and Reconciliation, Racial Justice, and Equity – Racial Justice Resources for Nonprofits
Curated collection of resources that address systemic and institutional racism and offer ways for organizations to work towards racial justice.
Racial Equity Tools
Tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for individuals and groups who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.
School Mental Health Ontario | Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool for School Mental Health Professionals
Designed to support exploration and reflection, prompting users to consider their skills, knowledge, and self-awareness when providing support to youth and engaging with colleagues.
University of British Columbia, Equity & Inclusion Office | Activating Inclusion Toolkit
An evolving library of tools, guides, and resources that support equity, diversity, and inclusion planning and implementation, as well as equitable and inclusive processes.
University of California, Office of the President | Anti-Racism Learning and Reflection Tool
Designed to facilitate learning, self-reflection, and conversations with respect to anti-racism; intended to support discussion, critical thinking, and outcome-driven goal setting.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation | HR Toolkit for Racial Equity
Shares the Foundation's experiences, lessons, and recommended tools and resources for implementing racial equity strategies as part of a human resources function.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation | Inclusion & Belonging Guidebook
Recommends what leaders can do to create and reinforce a more diverse, inclusive, and racially equitable workplace, how to talk about race and racism in the workplace, how to move from being an ally to a sponsor, and how to develop champions for racial equity among staff.
Parents of Black Children | Navigating the Education System
Designed as a navigation tool to empower parents with knowledge about the education system.
Parents of Black Children | Advocacy Framework
Anchored by four main pillars: urgency, consent, transparency, and accountability.
Parents of Black Children | The Educators' Toolkit – Combating Anti-Black Racism
Developed to help educators understand how Black students experience the Canadian education system; provides a framework to adopt inclusive anti-Black racist teaching practices in classrooms.
Black Wellness Network
Centralized information and resources related to the mental health of Black communities in Canada, created by the Mental Health of Black Canadians initiative.
Canada Life: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health | Discrimination Prevention and Inclusion
Supports to address discrimination and promote inclusion through policies and processes.
Canada Life: Workplace Strategies for Mental Health | Implicit Bias
Supports to learn to identify and understand implicit bias, microaggressions, and intersectionality.
Community Healing Network, Inc., & The Association of Black Psychologists | Family-Care, Community-Care and Self-Care Tool Kit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma
Developed by and for people of African ancestry to comfort and inspire, providing resources to support care and strengthen community.
European Network Against Racism | Toolkit on Race and Mental Health at Work
Explores how to understand links between racism, inequality, and wellbeing, providing a summary of available evidence related to racism, mental health, and wellbeing, exploring individual, organizational, and structural levels. Offers a step-by-step guide for employers looking to create a workplace that promotes wellbeing for all.
Mental Health at Work | Mind
Toolkits to support mental health at work, with related resources.
Black Canadian National Survey (2023)
Study conducted by the Institute for Social Research at York University, in partnership with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.
Shifting Power Dynamics: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in the Nonprofit Sector (2023)
Study by Imagine Canada on equity, diversity, and inclusion found that organizations with equity working groups are substantially more likely to engage in equity-enhancing practices of all kinds.
Black North | Racial Equity Playbook
Peel District School Board | Equity Audit Resources
City of Toronto | Anti-Black Racism Analysis Tool
Toronto & York Region Labour Council | A Leader’s Guide to Strengthen Unions: Moving Beyond Diversity Towards Inclusion and Equity
W.K. Kellogg Foundation | Expanding Equity: Lessons Learned From More Than 100 Companies Working to Advance Workplace Diversity, Equity & inclusion
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