Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals
4 years ago 4 years agoThis toolkit was developed by the National AfterSchool Association.
Professional development requires reflection on one’s practices to identify strengths, recognize areas for future growth, and incorporate new learning experiences. Reflection heightens awareness of one’s own performance and leads to personal change and growth.
The Self-Assessment Tools are designed to empower individuals to assess their knowledge and skills based on the competencies outlined in the NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals. The Self-Assessment Tools are organized by level and allow group leaders, youth workers, or other youth development professionals to:
- Assess level of knowledge and skills in each one of the 10 content areas.
- Identify specific areas of need for future professional development.
- Plan specific actions that will lead to improvement.
The Self-Assessment Tools may also be used by administrators and supervisors to guide staff evaluation, assessment of skills, and professional development needs. This document includes the competency statements for Level 1.
The 10 content areas:
- Child and Youth Growth and Development
- Learning Environment and Curriculum
- Child/Youth Observation and Assessment
- Interactions with Children and Youth
- Youth Engagement
- Cultural Competency and Responsiveness
- Family, School, and Community Relationships
- Safety and Wellness
- Program Planning and Development
- Professional Development and Leadership
National AfterSchool Association. (2011). Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals. Retrieved from
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