Evaluation Data Matrix Template
3 years ago 3 years agoThis tool was developed by EvaluATE.
This 2017 template can help users to ensure that they have developed a viable plan for collecting all the data necessary to answer each evaluation question and that all data collected will serve a specific, intended purpose.
An evaluation plan should include a clear description of what data will be collected, from what sources and how, by whom, and when, as well as how the data will be analyzed. Placing this information in a matrix helps ensure that there is a viable plan for collecting all the data necessary to answer each evaluation question and that all collected data will serve a specific, intended purpose. The table below may be copied into another document, such as a grant proposal, and edited/ expanded as needed. An example is provided on the next page.
Wingate, L. (2017, July). Evaluation Data Matrix Template. EvaluATE. https://evalu-ate.org/template/tool-datamatrix/
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