
GSAs and QSAs in Alberta Schools: A Guide for Teachers


GSAs and QSAs in Alberta Schools: A Guide for Teachers

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This toolkit was published by the Alberta Teachers’ Association.


This guide draws upon current legislation, law, educational policy, and research to develop a critical framework for creating and sustaining gay–straight student alliances or queer–straight student alliances (GSAs or QSAs) in Alberta schools. Practical strategies, suggestions, and a list of frequently asked questions are provided to help school administrators, counsellors, teachers, and students engage in this important social justice and human rights work. GSAs or QSAs are identified as a critical change agents that can help to create safe, caring, and inclusive schools for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified, and queer (LGBTQ) students and their allies. Correspondingly, the three most significant factors in building healthy and resilient school communities for sexual and gender minorities students are identified as:

  1. development of school policies on inclusion,
  2. professional development training and awareness building, and
  3. the active and visible presence of GSAs or QSAs or associated support groups in schools.

Alberta Teachers’ Association. (2015). GSAs and QSAs in Alberta Schools: A Guide for Teachers. Retrieved from

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