Gender-based Violence Against Racialized Migrant Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse People with Disabilities & D/deaf People
8 months ago 8 months agoThis toolkit was developed by the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI).
This National Toolkit is for im/migrant and refugee-serving sector staff and volunteers across Canada working with racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people. Since the first point of contact for racialized im/migrant people experiencing gender-based violence (GBV) is often an im/migrant-serving organization, rather than a GBV-specific service. This toolkit aims to enhance the knowledge and capacity of frontline service workers to support im/migrants and D/deaf people experiencing violence.
Therefore, the im/migrant-serving sector must understand the history of exclusion that people with disabilities and D/deaf people have and continue to face in Canada and how that exclusion is increased for racialized im/migrant peoples.
The goal of this Toolkit is to help learners:
- Relate to the experiences of racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people.
- Determine how gender-based violence affects racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people.
- Identify barriers to accessing immigrant and gender-based violence services for racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people.
- Apply the foundations of a trauma-informed, strength- based, survivor-centered approach through tips and best practices when working with racialized im/migrant and refugee women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities and D/deaf people.
OCASI. (2024). Gender-based Violence Against Racialized Migrant Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse People with Disabilities & D/deaf People.
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